xppSome years ago a colleague introduced a tool named XPLanner in our project. I was a little bit sceptic, because it's originally designed for agile develoment, not exactly i was used to. But after some days i noticed that it is a really good tool to keep an eye of your own tasks, and also to the tasks of your colleagues, that is for example important if you wait for some feature to finish to complete your own work.
I really liked it! But a while ago development stopped completely. A lot of people were waiting for a new version, there seem to be a lot of installations still out there. I also tried some other tools for XP or agile development, but i could not find anything comparable.
XPLanner is simple and fast. You need about ten  mins to explain somebody else how to use it.

Some weeks ago i came upon XPlanner+ that is a continuation of XPlanner. Maxim Chirkov seems to be the lead developer, and is doing a good job. I currently am trying to make it run on Debian, that is not that easy mainly because of my (the lack of) Tomcat-skills.
This project is really worth to keep an eye on!