I was looking for a solution to use multiple desktops in Windows7 like its possible on Linux since.... ever?

To use multiple desktops is very convenient if you develop software, a lot of application are often just used once ore twice a day but you have to tab through them very often. There seems to be no solution from Microsoft, and i could not really find any other good solution, until i ran over Virtual Dimension. The last update was in 2005. I was very skeptical because the software was not maintained for over five years. But... this is why i write this article its GREAT STUFF!. Why?

  1. it installs pretty fast and is pretty small (~400k)
  2. very easy to configure, intuitive handling
  3. possible to use drag and drop of the applications (you can move your applications between the desktops

I dont know how it can be possible that somebody writes software that works for five years on different OS versions, but its incredible.


I hope Francois Ferrand will continue to work on this project.