With Image Release 2 there is the possibility to install the Forms and Reports standalone. I did such an installation, and was prepared to work several days until i get know errors and everything works. My Results, it took me 2 hours to setup and configure and complete Webforms-Environmend. Oracle did a lot with the usability of the installation. There is also an EnterpriseManager automatically installed with this version, what means you can administrate Forms, Webcache, Reports by an graphic user-interface without needing to know where the formsweb.cfg or the default.env is located.

Really Cool! Laughing

If you get an ORA-00932 within Forms6i on an Oracle10g Database, you have to path your Forms-Environment. Reason is that there were changes from Database 9 to 10 with the BLOBs.

If you ever wanted to know how fast the databases are in relation to each other, take a look at this site. There are a lot of comparisons between the vendors and also on different hardware, very interesting.

Many of the Oracle-Freaks out there have worked with the demo-schema SCOTT and created their first statements with this one? Did you know that SCOTT, was the first Oracle-Employees, and tiger (schema password) was his cat?

Bruce Scott without tiger 


That's a picture from scott i found....

The Oracle Developer Suite 10gR2 was released a short time ago, and i thought there are no troubles to migrate from 10gR1 to 10gR2, but there are. Oracle Developer Suite 10g Release 1 is an enhanced version of the Oracle 9.x Developer Suite, you can see that by the version-number 9.0.4. That means the forms have to be recompiled, and there is a huge change in Reports. Reports until 10gR1 were 6i Reports. With 10gR2 they are fully reloaded. Image

I was testing my Oracle-Express, and think it is a really cool piece of software. The installation process was easy and simple, like an simple program. Everything was working fine, the right services were started. After installing you have some icons in the Start-Menu with which you can start and stop your database. There are also some links to Help-Forums and Documentation, and the most important the link to the Database-Homepage.


The Database-Homepage allows you to maintain the complete database with an simple HTML-Layout. But it is not just important for DBAs, there is also the possibility to develop new applications with HTML/DB, an genious Oracle-Product with which you can develop working database-applications within minutes!

Working with Oracle Express

 You can

  • administrate users
  • create/browse Databse-Objects like Tables, Views, Stored Procedures....
  • import/export data
  • monitor and administrate the database
  • build applications

I think this is a very good and simple to use and FREE possibility for small and medium applications. You also have the possibility to upgrade to every "bigger" Oracle-Version if necessary, for example the Standard-Edition One etc.

Logo Oracle Express


The name is Express, but has nothing to do with the old desupported OLAP-Tool from Oracle. This database is for free up to 4G of Userdata and one processor. I think less than 10% of the databases will need more than this. The installation was fine and worked without any troubles. The installation-file has just 150MB. And there are all features for what i like Oracle so much like PL/SQL, possibility to integrate Java in the database, WebSupport etc. Surprised. I will test it and post my results here.