I use Icedove (Thunderbird) since years, and think it's really a good piece of software, in my opinion it's much better than Outlook, I was using for several years too. After splitting up my data into "OS" and "real data", I also moved the .icedove folder from my home directory by symlink to my data-harddisk. Mails worked fine, but lightning would display any evens, you also could not even create any new calendar, events. After I while I saw the following error in the error-console:

Error: Components.classes[This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./calendar/datetime;1'] is undefined
Source File: chrome://calendar/content/calUtils.js
Line: 78 
Solutioin: my data-harddisk was mounted by fstab with rw/user (for whatever reason I did this once...), I changed it to defaults what is equal to "rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async on my current Debian Wheezy. After rebooting, everything works fine. I really would appreciate if anybody can explain me why this was the solution to my problem.
Finally it seems to be possible to use the gnome-extension-site with Debian Wheezy. I gave some a try and it's incredible how you can enrich and customize your desktop environment for your personal taste. I begin to love Gnome 3 more every day I work with it!

I setup my Laptop with Gnome3 and was suprised that the printer was not automatically added, I know for sure that it was added automatically with earlier version... Guess that has nothing to do with gnome itself, sometimes there is some other kind of trouble. My Printer is a old multi-functional Canon (scan/print/fax) MP780 the scanning with simplescan (standard program from Gnome3) works pretty well. If you look for drivers in the Inet, there is just commercial software, like Turboprint. I tried it but had some issues after a while, and don't really want a kind os software suite just for printing... I looked further and noticed that there are free drivers called gutenprint, already available in Debian. Basically the steps you need to configure the printer were

 apt-get install cups cups-driver-gutenprint
  • go to configuration page (local on port 631) http://localhost:631
  • choose option from “Adding Printers and Classes”
      Done! Pretty good quality of the printouts!

I have two servers with KVM running, on both I use preseeding to install the guests. It's amazing to watch a guest install automatically by using virt-install and passing some parameters on command line. Basically you need to pass further preseeding parameters in a file. When converting this script to wheezy I ran into a problem. In squeeze, the parameter that defines the disk was named vda (why vda??? however) in wheezy its sda now (more like its in every debian install). Means I had to change the config parameter from

d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/vda
d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/sda

Still not finished with my Gnome-Desktop, what I can say that there are some great features that I really missed on Windows for years, however I want to use my Thunderbird and Windows parallel and decided to use dual-boot with the same thunderbird-profile-directory. Wheezy still has a 3.x icedove (=thunderbird) client, and my Windows installation already has a 7.0.1, so I needed a new client, and could not find any distribution out there. Means I was forced to build it by myself. There were two guides that helped my with that topic the one was from Mozilla, the other one for an Ubuntu-build. Here is my step-by-step guide:

get sourcecode

get sourcecode from mozilla, in this case for building 7.0.1

wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/7.0.1/source/thunderbird-7.0.1.source.tar.bz2

unpack file

tar -vxfj thunderbird-7.0.1.source.tar.bz2

change to direcotry

cd comm-releases

get build-backages

apt-get install build-essential libasound2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libnotify-dev libxt-dev libiw-dev mesa-common-dev autoconf2.13 yasm

and dependencies from the icedove (debian version of thunderbird) package

apt-get build-dep icedove

create .mozconfig file

This file controls what is built and is specific for the mozilla project. In the first line I let the build put the new files in a new directory “thunderbird-7.0.1”

mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/thunderbird-7.0.1
ac_add_options --enable-application=mail
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=mail
ac_add_options --enable-optimize
ac_add_options --enable-calendar
ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter

Here I disabled the crashreporter, because you run into a problem with deprecated headers on wheezy, a known bug of the mozilla build.

workaround for bug with 3.0 kernel

A workaround for another open bug with the mozilla build, on 3.0 kernels, just needed if you really are on a 3.0 kernel.

cd mozilla/security/coreconf
cp Linux2.6.mk Linux3.0.mk

start the build

make -f client.mk

after the build finished change to the build-directory

cd thunderbird-7.0.1

create the deb-package

make -j4

there is already a metapackage “thunderbird” on debian so we need to give it another name checkinstall also asks you for some stuff for naming and describing the package

checkinstall -D --install=no --pkgname=´thunderbird-fairtec´ --pkgversion=´7.0.1´

install the package

dpkg -i thunderbird-fairtec_7.0.1-1_amd64.deb
!If there is interest in the pre-built file, let me know, I will take a look if we can find a suitable hosting solution for that!

Last week I setup dual boot on my Laptop for giving Gnome on Debian a try. Worked without any problems, except the sound, the driver was installed correctly, but still had no sound. After reading loads of docs I found the hint of using the Realtek Code-Software here. Here step-by-step what I needed to make it working:


apt-get install linux-source linux-headers-3.0.0-1-all-amd64 build-essential

get file from realtek - choose your kernel

become root

su root

uncompress file (example!)

tar -vxjf LinuxPkg_5.17Beta.tar.bz2

change to new dir (example!)

cd realtek-linux-audiopack-5.17

do the installation and reboot


Today I tried to restore a full backup of an old DB to a new database with

what resulted in
RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore
RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 6 found to restore
After looking for the solution for hours I found out that there is a 5-year!!! old bug open that makes it impossible for RMAN to restore a backuppiece if it's read-only.
The BUG# is "5412531 - RMAN FAILS RESTORING READONLY BACKUPS: ORA-19870 ORA-19587 ORA-27091 ORA-27067"

I am using sqlplus and rman on linux a lot, and one very annoying thing is that there is no history (key-up) as it is on windows. Reason is that in sqlplus/rman is running in a dosbox and the dosbox has the "key-up-history" feature implemented automatically.

But also in Linux it's easy to achieve. The tool you need is "rlwrap". Just install it (example for Debian)

apt-get install rlwrap

and call sqlplus with "rlwrap sqlplus" or rman with "rlwrap rman".

Nothing more to make it run? No, nothing more!

Have fun!

If you are using UTL_MAIL you will soon come to some limits of this package.

  •  it does not support SMTP authentication
  •  it does not support attachments (not provided here)

Last week I needed the authentication part for a project.
I decided to take something that's already stable ready to be used, and free.
It's Apache Commons Mail part. Basically these class makes handling in Java much easier than provided by SUN/ORACLE.
es, it's a Java-class. But Java is really easy to use in Oracle, you will see.

Basically you get the jar, say "loadjava myjar.jar", create a simple java-class in oracle, create a simple pl/sql wrapper.
This cooking recipe is on Linux, but except the unpacking it's almost the same on windows.
And don't forget to take the most current and stable jar-files!

get the mail.jar from here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javamail/index.html

get the commons-email-xxx.jar from here http://commons.apache.org/email/

unzip both in a directory on your database server and use following statements to load it into the database (REPLACE USER/PW!!!):


loadjava -u myuser/MYPW -resolve mail.jar
loadjava -u myuser/MYPW -resolve commons-email-xxx.jar


Now we need some Java and PL/SQL programming. I did the design so that it can be basically used instead of UTL_MAIL, means same parameter names and default-values.

Just some more parameters were added for using the authentication.
You can download the files from the download-sections here. Just install them with SQL/PLUS or whatever tool you like.

After compiling the programs into the databse give it a try. You need to set some permissions, so keep DBMS-Output enabled, in the output you find the statements that needs to be executed. It will look like similar to this:

dbms_java.grant_permission( 'yippie', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'accessDeclaredMembers', '' );
dbms_java.grant_permission( 'XYA', 'SYS:java.util.PropertyPermission', '*', 'read,write' );
begin dbms_java.grant_permission( 'XYA', 'SYS:java.net.SocketPermission', '123...', 'connect,resolve' ); 


Ok for testing we need a testscript:



dbms_java.set_output(1000000); std_mail.send(
sender => This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.',
recipients => This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.', subject => 'subjective', message => 'messagemessagemessage', smtphostname => 'mail.mytestdomain.com', smtpport => '587', smtpuser => 'myuser', smptpassword => 'mypw', useTls => false); END; /

That's it!

The programs here are released under the GNU/GPL2.

Have fun!

Feedback appreciated, please comment!

If you are running into a ORA-07445 or ORA-00600 error something you should fix immediately happened on your Database. You should do following things before opening a TAR on Metalink:

  • get the exact error-message including the things in the square brackets from the alert-log
  • logon to metalink and search for the document 153788.1 that's the Error-Lookup-Tool from Oracle for these errors and open that document
  • choose if it is a ORA-00600 or a ORA-07445 and enter the things in the first square brackets into the field "Error Code First Argument" and press "Lookup Error"

If you are lucky and find informations/patches (what pretty often happens -> good stuff Oracle) you can probably fix it by yourself. If not you have to open a Metalink-TAR.

androidCurrently I reinstalled my Samsung Galaxy S (with insanity 6.3) and came across "an error occured while downloading your recovery." when trying to flash clockworkmod recovery. With installing a superuser version from the market and reinstalling clockworkmod my problem seems to be solved. There seems to be a bug in the superuser app I was using previously.

kvm I recently installed a usb-harddisk on my server and mounted it on a guest with virt-manager. The performance was very bad, i had 50Kbyte when testing with hdparm.

I remounted it in virt-manager as IDE drive instead of USB-Drive and voila i had full performance again. It seems that the USB-drive mounting is a bit bugged.